For Home Buyer

For Home Seller

Basic Egypt Real Estate agents Principles

  • Facilitates the process of buying a home
  • Discusses agency relationships
  • Walks you through the purchase and sale agreement

Selects and Researches Qualified Properties

  • Helps you determine the types of homes and neighborhoods that best fit your needs
  • Provides detailed information on those homes
  • Arranges tours of homes that meet your criteria

Negotiates the Purchase

  • Helps you determine the market value of homes you are interested in
  • Provides you with the necessary legal documents
  • Assists you in structuring, writing and negotiating a mutually accepted purchase and sale agreement

Coordinates Steps Prior to Closing

  • Will advise on financing options
  • Will advise on and oversee the inspection
  • Coordinates necessary steps after inspections
  • Help with moving preparations and other home services

Helps Close the Transaction

Works with the Title Company to make certain all the documents needed are in order and are completed in a timely manner

Like many sellers, you might assume that your Egyptian property agent’s job
is to help find a buyer for your home; however, this is only the beginning.
The following is a list of other tasks that your agent performs on your behalf.

Basic Egypt Real Estate agents Principles

  • The process of selling a home
  • Discusses agency relationships
  • Walks you through the purchase and sale agreement

Researches Your Home’s Value

  • Provides you with a comprehensive Comparative Market Analysis
  • Assists you in determining a price that will provide you with the highest return in the shortest period of time

Markets Your Property

  • Assists you in preparing your home for a good first impression
  • Markets your home to buyers and other real estate agents with buyers who are looking for homes in your price range
  • Keeps you up to date on current market activity so you can make informed decisions

Negotiates the Purchase

  • Assists you in working through the purchase and sale agreement
  • Negotiates with the buyer and buyer’s agent on your behalf
  • Tracks contingencies and makes certain contract deadlines are met

Helps Close the Transaction

  • Works with the Title Company to make sure all the documents needed are in order and are completed in a timely manner
  • Can assist you with arranging moving services and other home-related services.